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Recreate a Vocal Stutter Effect Like Skrillex: A Step-by-Step Guide

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If you’ve just stepped into the world of music production, vocal stutters can be a fun and impactful technique to add excitement and energy to your tracks. You’ve heard that fast vocal stutter at the 0:28 mark of the song, and now you’re wondering how to recreate it in your own music. Don’t worry—this effect is easier to achieve than it might seem!

Let’s break it down and take inspiration from a famous producer who’s a master of this technique: Skrillex.

Step 1: Choose the Right Vocal Sample

First things first: you need a vocal sample that you want to stutter. The ideal vocal clip should have a clear, distinct sound, whether it’s a single syllable or word. In the song you referenced, the stutter occurs on the phrase “heee.” The key is to isolate this part of the vocal.

  1. Import the Vocal Track: Load your vocal track into your DAW (Digital Audio Workstation).
  2. Cut the Specific Part: Identify the part of the vocal you want to stutter. For example, you might take the “heee” or even a shorter portion like just “h” or “e,” depending on how fast you want the stutter.

Step 2: Create the Stutter Effect

Once you have your vocal sample isolated, it’s time to create that stutter effect. There are two main ways to do this:

  • Manual Stuttering: The simplest way is to manually chop the vocal and duplicate it.
    1. Copy and Paste: Copy the selected vocal part and paste it multiple times in your DAW.
    2. Tight Spacing: Arrange the duplicates closely together to create a rapid, rhythmic stutter.
    3. Adjust Timing: Shorten the length of the clips as needed to achieve the desired stutter speed.
  • Using Plugins: If you prefer an automated approach, plugins like Gross Beat (FL Studio) or Glitch 2 can generate stutter effects with ease.
    1. Load the Plugin: Insert the plugin into your vocal track.
    2. Set Stutter Time: Adjust the stutter or delay time to short intervals (e.g., 1/8th, 1/16th notes).
    3. Automate: Gradually automate the effect to create build-up and anticipation.

Skrillex’s ApproachSkrillex is known for his aggressive and innovative use of vocal stutters in his music. In tracks like "Scary Monsters and Nice Sprites," Skrillex masterfully chops and repeats vocals to build energy before the drop. He often combines manual stuttering with plugins, using precise timing to create a glitchy, rhythmic burst of sound that leads into the next section. His creative manipulation of vocals is what makes his stutter effects so memorable.

Step 3: Apply Effects to Enhance the Stutter

After creating the stutter effect, you can elevate it by adding additional effects:

  • Reverb and Delay: Adding reverb or delay can give the stutter a sense of space and depth. A touch of delay can stretch the sound, while reverb can make it more atmospheric.
  • Pitch Shifting: To add variety, try pitching the stutter up or down. Automating the pitch during the stutter can create a rising or falling effect, adding dynamic tension.
  • Filters and Automation: Use filters (low-pass or high-pass) to sweep through the stuttered vocal. Automating the cutoff frequencies can create a rising effect that leads into the drop or breakdown.

Skrillex’s ApproachSkrillex doesn’t just stop at stuttering the vocals; he enhances them with a range of effects. He often applies pitch-shifting to make the stutter feel more fluid and evolving, while using filters to sweep through the sound, creating anticipation. This layering of effects adds complexity and depth to his music, making each stutter feel like an integral part of the track’s energy.

Step 4: Timing and Placement

One of the most critical aspects of a successful vocal stutter is its timing and placement in the song. In build-ups, the stutter should create anticipation and tension, leading to the drop. The timing should be in sync with the tempo and rhythm of the track.

  • Rhythmic Precision: For faster stutters, aim for 1/16th or 1/32nd notes, depending on how rapid you want the effect.
  • Gradual Intensification: You can also experiment with speeding up the stutter as the build-up progresses to increase intensity.

Skrillex’s ApproachSkrillex is a master of placing stutters at the perfect moment in his tracks. He uses the technique to add rhythmic interest and build tension before the drop. His stutters are always precisely timed, ensuring they fit seamlessly within the beat while driving the energy forward.

Step 5: Experiment!

There’s no right or wrong way to create a vocal stutter, so don’t be afraid to experiment. Try varying the length of the stutter, layering different effects, and playing around with pitch and timing. The more you experiment, the more unique your stutters will become.

Wrapping Up

Vocal stutters are a powerful tool for creating energy and anticipation in your music, especially during build-ups. Whether you choose to manually chop and arrange your vocal samples or use plugins for automation, the key is to experiment and tailor the effect to suit your track’s vibe.

Start with a strong vocal sample, manipulate it through sound design, and apply effects to bring it to life. As you practice, you’ll develop your own unique style, just as Skrillex did, using vocal stutters to build excitement and drive his tracks to new heights.

Have you tried creating vocal stutters in your tracks? Share your tips or challenges in the comments below!