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Improving Vocal Samples After Pitch or Tempo Changes: Tips and Tricks from Music Producers

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Improving Vocal Samples After Pitch or Tempo Changes: Tips and Tricks from Music Producers

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Vocal manipulation, such as pitching up/down or changing tempo, is a common practice in music production, especially in remixes. However, these changes can often lead to unwanted artifacts, distortion, or a loss of quality. While there are plenty of tutorials on how to alter pitch or tempo, few address how to make these altered samples sound great afterward. This article will provide you with actionable tips to enhance vocal samples and highlight how famous music creators have dealt with these challenges.

Understanding the Challenge

When you pitch or slow down/speed up vocals, the audio can sound unnatural or distorted due to changes in the sound's original characteristics. Common issues include:

  • Artifacts: Glitches or "warbles" that appear from time-stretching or pitch-shifting.
  • Distortion: Harsh or "crunchy" sounds, particularly when down-pitching.
  • Loss of Clarity: Muddiness or loss of high-frequency content when slowing down vocals.

1. Use a High-Quality Algorithm for Pitching/Time-Stretching

Before diving into post-processing, ensure you're using a high-quality algorithm or software for pitch and tempo changes. Tools like Melodyne, iZotope RX, or Ableton Live's Complex Pro mode are designed to minimize artifacts.

2. Apply EQ to Address Frequency Imbalances

After changing the pitch or tempo, use equalization to restore balance:

  • Low-End Roll-Off: Apply a high-pass filter to remove any unwanted low-frequency rumble or muddiness.
  • Boosting High Frequencies: Gently boost the higher frequencies to bring back some of the clarity lost during time-stretching.

3. Use Compression to Control Dynamics

Compression can help smooth out any inconsistencies in volume that may arise due to pitch or tempo changes. A multiband compressor can be especially effective, allowing you to target specific frequency ranges that need control.

4. Add Reverb and Delay to Restore Natural Ambience

Pitching down or time-stretching can sometimes make vocals sound unnatural or flat. Adding a subtle reverb or delay can help recreate the original space and give the vocals more life:

  • Plate Reverb for a vintage sound or Hall Reverb for a more spacious feel.
  • Short Delays to thicken the vocal and hide some of the artifacts.

5. Use Pitch Correction for Subtle Tuning

Even if the original vocal was in tune, pitch-shifting can introduce slight pitch inaccuracies. Subtle use of pitch correction software, like Auto-Tune or Waves Tune, can help bring the vocal back in tune without sounding artificial.

6. Add Saturation or Harmonic Exciters to Add Warmth

Saturation plugins can help add harmonic content and warmth back into a vocal that has been pitched down. This can make the sample sound fuller and richer. Harmonic exciters can enhance specific frequencies, adding clarity and brightness to a vocal that sounds dull or flat.

7. Layer with Other Vocal Samples

Layering the altered vocal with a duplicate track can mask imperfections. For example, a pitched-down vocal can be layered with the original, pitched-up, or formant-shifted vocal to retain clarity while maintaining the desired effect.

Example from Music Creators: Flume’s Use of Vocal Manipulation

Australian electronic producer Flume often manipulates vocals heavily, using techniques such as extreme pitch-shifting and time-stretching. However, he compensates for potential quality loss by layering multiple vocal tracks, using reverb and delay to create depth, and applying creative effects like bit-crushing and granular synthesis to make artifacts part of his sound design rather than hiding them.

8. Use Formant Shifting to Preserve Natural Tone

When pitching vocals up or down, formant shifting allows you to change the pitch without affecting the character of the voice. This can help maintain a natural-sounding vocal even when the pitch is altered significantly.


Vocal manipulation is an art in itself, requiring both technical knowledge and creative intuition. By applying these post-processing tips and learning from innovative producers like Flume, you can achieve a professional, polished sound even after substantial pitch or tempo changes.