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SXSW 2024: Why Music Creators Shouldn’t Miss This Year’s Festival

February 5, 2024

For an aspiring music creator, attending SXSW in 2024 could be a game-changer for your career. Here are the top 10 reasons why you should make it a priority to attend:

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Maximize Your Music Promotion: Proven Strategies from Industry Icons

September 5, 2024

Promoting your music can be just as challenging as writing it. You've spent time creating songs you're proud of, but now you're stuck wondering how to get your music heard by a wider audience. The...

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Improve Your Songwriting Skills: Techniques to Break Through the Creative Rut

September 5, 2024

Feeling stuck in a rut with your songwriting? You’re not alone. Many songwriters, even the most successful ones, have faced moments where the creative well seems to run dry. The good news is that...

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Promote Your Music On An Independent Budget

September 4, 2024

But the truth is, many successful artists have faced the same hurdles and found creative solutions to reach their audience without relying on big budgets or full-scale...

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Keep Your Rap Lyrics & Flow Fresh

September 4, 2024

Whether it’s bragging about your strength, future fame, or taking on rivals, it can feel repetitive and uninspiring after a while. So, what do you do when you’re tired of writing the same thing...

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How to Start a Band and Get Your First Gig: Lessons from Music Legends

September 3, 2024

Starting a band and getting your first gig can feel like a daunting task, especially when you’re juggling a full-time job and a passion for music. But don’t worry—many famous musicians have been in...

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Find Music Creators Who Share Your Genre Interests: Navigating Online Music Communities

September 3, 2024

If you’ve been searching for musicians who share your passion for breakcore, drum and bass, jungle, or other less mainstream genres on platforms like BandLab, it can be frustrating to feel like...

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Find the Right Manager for Your Music Career—Even If You're Just Starting Out

September 3, 2024

The idea of hiring a traditional manager might seem premature, but finding someone who can handle your online presence and help you network could be exactly what you need to take your career...

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How to Be a Successful Songwriter When You Can’t Play an Instrument

August 26, 2024

If you’re a songwriter who can sing but can’t play an instrument, you may feel like you’ve hit a roadblock in your creative journey. You have the ideas in your head, but you’re unsure how to turn...

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What Is the Point of Mastering If the Mix Is Good? A Guide to Understanding Mastering's Role

August 26, 2024

For many newer producers, it can be confusing to understand the importance of mastering, especially when your mix feels polished and balanced. However, mastering is an essential step in the...

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Write a Vocal Melody That Stands Out: Tips for Phrasing and Dynamics

August 25, 2024

If you’ve been writing music for a decade but are just starting to dive into vocal melodies, you’re not alone in facing challenges with phrasing and creating vocal dynamics that don’t feel repetitive.

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Add FX and Ear Candy to Your Tracks: Tips for Taking Your Sketch to the Next Level

August 23, 2024

Adding FX and ear candy can feel like a daunting task, especially when you start to overthink the process. However, these little details are often what bring a track to life, adding depth, excitement.

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Legendary Musical Collaborations That Push Beyond Genre

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Photo Source: Kevin Winter (Getty Images)

There is a vast amount of variety when it comes to genres, sub-genres, and styles of music. Normally, when two musical artists collaborate to create a new song, the individual artists both produce the same type of music. Occasionally, however, two groups or artists, whose music is markedly distinct from one another’s, work together and produce a masterpiece that is entirely new and groundbreaking. This article will discuss three such examples; Aerosmith and Run-DMC, Queen and David Bowie, and Eminem and Elton John. 

Aerosmith, a rock band, and Run-DMC, a hip-hop/rap band, worked together in 1986 to create a remix of Aeromsith’s “Walk This Way”, which was originally released in 1975. The song combined the intricate guitar work characteristic to rock with the lyrical verses associated with rap. Never before had there been a mash-up of rock and rap in the same song, making this collaboration very innovative. Because of this, many people who had previously only listened to one of these genres got a taste of the other one, which helped to expand their musical horizons. Aside from the music itself, the collaboration also assisted in the effort to decrease racial inequality. Rock music had primarily white listeners, while the majority of hip-hop fans were black, and the song helped to bring these two groups of people together. 

Another iconic collaboration between artists was “Under Pressure” by the English singer-songwriter David Bowie and the rock band Queen in 1981, which was the result of a jam session between the artists while Queen was touring in Switzerland. The song incorporates and contrasts David Bowie and Freddy Mercury’s (singer of Queen) unique singing styles, accompanied by the driving rock music that Queen is known for. The result was an energetic, dynamic, and passionate piece of music that focuses on the human struggle and the difficulty of forming meaningful relationships with others. “Under Pressure” became very popular for these reasons, and remains a classic to this day. 

The last collaboration that will be discussed is the special performance of “Stan” by Elton John with Eminem, which occurred at the 2001 Grammy Awards show. Prior to the collaboration, Eminem had been criticized for his controversial lyrics in some of his songs, and was accused of being homophobic. It was for this reason that he decided to perform with Elton John, who is openly gay, to make a stand against sexuality-based discrimination. This aided in the destruction of restraints that held back gay people in the music industry and brought to light the harmful nature of prejudice. Their collaboration was widely well-received and is a performance that will be remembered for many years. 

In conclusion, these collaborations illustrate how artists known for different styles of music can work together to create excellent songs, and how powerful music can be in bringing people together and bridging the gap between disparate communities.