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Should You Write Music or Lyrics First? Solutions from Famous Creators

September 20, 2024

One of the most common challenges for songwriters is deciding whether to write the music or lyrics first. This can feel like a "chicken-or-egg" situation, but there's no one-size-fits-all answer...

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How to Plan the Perfect Release Day for Your Single or Album

September 20, 2024

Releasing a new single or album is a huge milestone for any musician. However, without proper planning, your work may not get the attention it deserves. It’s not just about putting the song online...

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Mastering the Low End: Compression Tips for a Tight Mix

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How to Turn a Bedroom into a Professional Home Studio on a Budget

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Remote Music Collaboration: Tools and Tips for Seamless Production

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How to Build a Loyal Fanbase Using Social Media in 2024

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How to Match Chords to Your Singing – Overcoming the Struggle

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Breaking the "Second Verse Curse": Tips to Keep Your Songwriting Flowing

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Improving Vocal Samples After Pitch or Tempo Changes: Tips and Tricks from Music Producers

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Should You Write Music or Lyrics First? Solutions from Famous Creators

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One of the most common challenges for songwriters is deciding whether to write the music or lyrics first. This can feel like a "chicken-or-egg" situation, but there's no one-size-fits-all answer. Some of the greatest songwriters in history have found success by experimenting with both approaches. In this article, we’ll explore methods to help you figure out what works best for you, and we’ll highlight examples of famous creators who have dealt with this very dilemma.

1. The Lyrics-First Approach
For many songwriters, lyrics are the foundation. If you have something to say or a message to deliver, starting with the words might feel more natural. This approach allows you to craft a story, mood, or concept before worrying about the music. You can then shape the melody and harmony to fit the emotional core of your words.

Example: Bob Dylan
Bob Dylan is one of the most famous proponents of the lyrics-first approach. Known for his poetic and often politically charged songs, Dylan's lyrics often drive the song’s direction. His process is a testament to how powerful words can be when the music supports them.

Solution: Craft Your Story First
If you resonate with storytelling, try writing lyrics before considering the music. Start by freewriting or journaling to develop themes or ideas you want to explore. Then, experiment with matching melodies and chords to the mood your lyrics convey.

2. The Music-First Approach
Many songwriters prefer to begin with music, letting melodies or chords set the tone for their lyrics. If you find that music comes to you more easily than words, this approach might feel more intuitive. The emotional qualities of the music can then inspire lyrics that complement it.

Example: Paul McCartney (The Beatles)
Paul McCartney often wrote music before lyrics. Take “Yesterday” as an example: the melody came to McCartney in a dream, and he initially filled it with nonsensical placeholder lyrics (“Scrambled eggs...”). Once he had the melody, he shaped the final lyrics to fit the music’s mood.

Solution: Let the Melody Guide You
If you’re musically inclined, start by playing around with chords or humming melodies. Don’t worry about words at first—allow the music to dictate the feel of the song. Once you have a strong musical foundation, you can add lyrics that match the energy and emotion of the music.

3. Hybrid Method: Writing Both Together
Some songwriters create both music and lyrics simultaneously. This can be an organic process where each informs the other, allowing for a more holistic songwriting experience. This method is often the result of experimenting with both approaches over time.

Example: Taylor Swift
Taylor Swift often writes lyrics and music together, especially in her earlier albums. Her approach allows for seamless integration between the emotional content of the lyrics and the musical mood, creating songs that feel cohesive from start to finish.

Solution: Experiment with Simultaneous Writing
If you’re unsure where to start, try writing both at the same time. Pick up an instrument, hum a melody, and jot down lyrics that come to mind. You might discover that the flow between words and music feels more natural when they develop together.

4. Tapping into Inspiration from External Sources
Sometimes, inspiration comes from neither music nor lyrics directly, but from an external stimulus like a movie, book, or experience. Using inspiration from these sources can provide both musical and lyrical ideas simultaneously.

Example: David Bowie
David Bowie would often draw inspiration from movies, literature, and even art, blending music and lyrics inspired by these sources. His experimental nature allowed him to switch between writing lyrics and music based on what was most inspiring at the moment.

Solution: Look Beyond Music and Lyrics for Inspiration
Don’t limit your creative process to just music or lyrics. If you’re feeling stuck, try watching a movie, reading a book, or visiting a gallery. You may find that the inspiration for both the music and lyrics comes from these outside influences.

Conclusion: Find What Works for You
There’s no right or wrong way to write a song. Whether you prefer to start with lyrics, music, or a combination of both, the key is finding a process that works for you. Bob Dylan, Paul McCartney, Taylor Swift, and David Bowie all approached songwriting differently, and each method has its own merits. The most important thing is to experiment and discover what helps you express your creativity best.

Let the examples of these music legends inspire you to try new approaches, but don’t forget to adapt the process to your unique style. Sometimes, all it takes is a little trial and error to find the perfect flow!