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Escaping 'Tutorial Hell': Stay Motivated and Actually Progress in Music Production

September 21, 2024

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Should You Write Music or Lyrics First? Solutions from Famous Creators

September 20, 2024

One of the most common challenges for songwriters is deciding whether to write the music or lyrics first. This can feel like a "chicken-or-egg" situation, but there's no one-size-fits-all answer...

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How to Plan the Perfect Release Day for Your Single or Album

September 20, 2024

Releasing a new single or album is a huge milestone for any musician. However, without proper planning, your work may not get the attention it deserves. It’s not just about putting the song online...

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Mastering the Low End: Compression Tips for a Tight Mix

September 20, 2024

When it comes to music production, getting the low end right can be tricky. Many producers face a common issue: after the initial mix sounds perfect, a few days later, the low end starts to feel...

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How to Turn a Bedroom into a Professional Home Studio on a Budget

September 19, 2024

For many aspiring musicians, the dream of creating a professional-quality home studio seems out of reach due to costs and space constraints. However, with the right strategies and tools, it's...

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Remote Music Collaboration: Tools and Tips for Seamless Production

September 18, 2024

Collaborating on music remotely has become more common, but as you’ve experienced, it can be a challenge to get it right. Audio latency, control sensitivity, and lack of real-time feedback are...

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How to Build a Loyal Fanbase Using Social Media in 2024

September 18, 2024

In today’s digital age, building a loyal fanbase is essential for musicians to thrive. Social media platforms have become powerful tools for connecting directly with fans, sharing music, and...

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Best Apps and Websites for Creating Instrumentals When You Don’t Play Instruments

September 18, 2024

As a songwriter, it can be frustrating to have melodies or lyrics in your head but no way to bring them to life without instrumental skills. Thankfully, with modern technology, there are apps and...

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How to Match Chords to Your Singing – Overcoming the Struggle

September 18, 2024

Creating music often feels like an intricate puzzle. You might have a melody that you love, but when it comes to pairing it with chords, you feel stuck. If you're in this situation, you're not alone.

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The Top 10 Free Tools Every Indie Musician Needs to Succeed

September 18, 2024

As an indie musician, creating professional music while sticking to a budget can be challenging. You might not have the resources to afford high-end software or pay for expensive marketing...

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Miley Cyrus Sued Over ‘Flowers’: The Fine Line Between Inspiration and Infringement

September 18, 2024

Music creators often walk a delicate line between drawing inspiration from their favorite songs and unintentionally infringing on the work of others. The recent lawsuit filed against Miley Cyrus...

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Breaking the "Second Verse Curse": Tips to Keep Your Songwriting Flowing

September 16, 2024

This is a predicament that many songwriters encounter: You're thrilled with the direction your song is headed, the melody feels great, and you've nailed the first verse and chorus. But then you...

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Thrash Metal - An Aging Genre

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Photo Source: Amy Harris

This article will discuss the rise and fall of an iconic style of music: thrash metal. 

The thrash metal genre emerged in the early 1980s. Characterized by intricate guitar use, lightning-fast tempos, and its overall bold, aggressive themes, thrash was groundbreaking and quickly became popular among young people. Aside from the music itself,  thrash resonated with many teenagers due to its anti-mainstream undertones. Thrash metal was often used as a way to rebel against one's parents and was used by many to establish an identity distinct from their mothers and fathers. 

As the years went by, thrash metal continued to increase in popularity, and more thrash bands were formed. Driven primarily by the efforts of Metallica, Anthrax, Slayer, and Megadeth, which are collectively known as the ‘big 4 of thrash metal’, thrash had reached mainstream levels of exposure by the mid 1990s. 

However, similar to what occurs with many other genres of music, the peak of thrash metal did not last. This was due in part to the appearance of new genres of music in the 1990s like alternative rock and grunge, and the creation of a number of new sub-genres of metal which removed the focus from thrash metal itself. 

Although it is no longer at its former level of glory, thrash metal is far from extinct. I personally have had the privilege of seeing some of the greatest thrash metal bands perform live over the past couple of years, including Megadeth, Metallica, Exodus, Testament, and Kreator. Watching these talented musicians play somehow made me feel a deep sense of nostalgia for a time when I wasn’t even born yet, and although these performers are now in their 60s, and the majority of their fan base has aged with them, their music has a sense of timelessness. While the artists themselves and their original supporters won’t be around forever, and the majority of today’s youth are interested in newer forms of music, there are still some young people who listen to thrash and are keeping the unique genre alive. Because of this, I still have hope that thrash metal can experience a resurgence in popularity and will exist for many future generations to enjoy.