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How did Miley Cyrus’ Heartbreak Song “Flowers” Break the Spotify Record?

March 17, 2023

The singer, songwriter, and actress Miley Cyrus has recently released a record-breaking song called “Flowers” in January 2023. This song recites her 10-year long relationship with her ex-husband....

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Men I Trust: Canada’s DIY Indie Band That Could Be Your New Favourite

March 4, 2023

Men I Trust is a Canadian indie pop band known for their dreamy and mellow sound. Their music is laid back, incorporating elements of funk, disco, and R&B to create a smooth and groovy vibe that is

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Basics For Building an At-Home Recording Studio

March 3, 2023

Artists like Kaytranada have proved that you don’t need access to a professional recording studio to create well-produced music. As technology and social media have advanced, it is now easier than eve

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Facing the Music: Legal Challenges With AI and Copyright Laws

February 25, 2023

People draw inspiration from others when forming their ideas, it’s a fact of life. Sampling in music is no exception - and artists do it for a variety of reasons. Traditionally, copyright laws and

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Tobias Jesso Jr.: GRAMMY-Winning Canadian Sells His Song Rights

February 23, 2023

Tobias Jesso Jr. You may know his name from his 2015 solo album Goon. Or maybe from his work on various popular songs, such as “When We Were Young” by Adele and “Alive” by Sia. Or even from his rece

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How Popular TV Shows and Movies Resurrect Classic Songs

February 23, 2023

HBO’s The Last of Us is arguably the hottest show out right now, receiving near universal acclaim from viewers and critics alike. This holds especially true for episode three: “Long, Long Time”.

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Ginalina: Bringing Her Taiwan Roots Into Her Latest Album

February 21, 2023

Folk singer. Songwriter. Canadian. Polyglot. All of these titles belong to Gina Lam, also known by her stage name Ginalina. In November 2022, she released her latest album titled Going Back: Remembe

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Rihanna’s Super Bowl Performance

February 21, 2023

Rihanna is an illustrious artist. She is among the best selling female artists of all time, and was one of the greatest hitmakers of the 2000s and 2010s. She has since grown to become the richest...

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How do Streaming Platforms Pay Artists - Is It Fair?

February 20, 2023

Streaming is now the driving force of the music industry, making up 84% of the industry revenue in the U.S. While streaming is much more convenient for listeners, many artists argue that it is near im

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Why Jay-Z Was Named The #1 Rapper Of All Time

February 23, 2023

Who is the greatest rapper of all time? Is it even possible to crown just one person? Well, Billboard and Vibe did exactly that. And, according to them, that person is Jay-Z. In honor of Hip-Hop’s

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Behind Kaytranada’s Unique Sound

February 18, 2023

Kaytranada (Louis Celestin) is a Haitian-Canadian record producer and DJ. He is a highly acclaimed electronic artist, having earned two Grammys and countless other awards for his work. Kaytranada has

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The Creative Act: Rick Rubin’s Knowledge Turned Into A Book

February 17, 2023

What happens when a famous music producer takes an interest in self-help books? The Creative Act is your answer. But who is Rick Rubin? Without a doubt, Rubin has an impressive track record in the

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TikTok - Changing the Music Industry

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Photo Source: Carbon Magazine

There is no question that technology and the internet is changing the way in which many aspects of the world operate. The internet has rapidly accelerated the rate that information can be communicated between people, and it allows anyone to reach people from anywhere on the globe in a matter of seconds, something that was previously impossible. 

Of course, the effects of new technology such as the internet carry over to the music industry. This article will discuss the effects that mobile apps are having on the way the music industry works, focusing specifically on TikTok. TikTok has significantly altered the way music creators promote music, how record label companies seek out new talent, and how songs go viral.  

Artists are using TikTok to gain exposure and advertise their music. TikTok’s algorithm is incredibly effective at spreading content quickly and it is very good at displaying content that is similar to what the user has previously interacted with and found interesting. Artists are taking advantage of this by posting short videos of their music on the platform. Because of this, users can discover new music from their favourite genres that they otherwise would have never found out about. 

Another feature of the app that can increase the amount of exposure a particular video receives is the share feature. If users come across a new song or artist that they really enjoy, they can send the video or the artist’s account to all of their friends, who may send it to their friends, and the cycle will continue. 

Most clips on TikTok are very short, usually less than 1 minute, and this makes them easily digestible for the user. Instead of having to listen to entire songs on the radio, people can watch a 15 second clip of the best part of a song, increasing the amount of different content that each person can find. In addition to this, some music creators have teamed up with already popular TikTok personalities and influencers who help promote their music to a large audience. 

Looking at the bigger picture, the music industry as a whole is adjusting to this novel approach to promoting content. In the past, record label companies would have artists audition or would attempt to find new artists in person. These companies have started using TikTok to come upon new artists who haven’t received exposure from traditional forms of media, making it much easier for companies to reach talented artists. This is mutually beneficial for both artists and companies, as it gives talented musicians a way to get into the big leagues, and it gives record companies the opportunity to profit from discovering the next big thing. 

Finally, TikTok trends can also revive older music and establish its popularity in demographics who otherwise would be unlikely to be exposed to such music. For example, ‘Dreams’ by Fleetwood Mac surged in popularity after it was used in a viral TikTok trend involving skateboarders filming themselves with picturesque scenery in the background. 

Overall, the internet will only become more utilized and widespread, and the future of music will follow this trend.